I Used Science to Outsmart an Online Casino

I Used Science to Outsmart an Online Casino

I Used Science to Outsmart an Online Casino

I Used Science to Outsmart an Online Casino

Zero to Making 0k Per Month at 18 I Biaheza Story:

My Dropshipping Course:

This video is no shape or form financial advice, it is strictly intended for entertainment purposes only.

See inside Illinois’ first sportsbook, which opened Monday at Rivers Casino in Des Plaines.

FULL STORY: https://abc7chicago.com/sports/see-inside-illinois-first-1st-sportsbook-at-rivers-casino/5996842/
Video Rating: / 5


  1. john whittingham

    ive done this. pick a sleepy time of day. not a market open. i also had the problem you did. at expiry they always make the result go their way if it's close. this is the same as binary options

  2. Giibixx

    Let me get you in touch with Eddie the Co owner of Stake 100% legit site with your number you could get drake money.

  3. Billy Rowe

    Haha he bet short on an uptrend.

  4. You Got Mossed

    This man is the only finance youtube that's comments aren't spammed with bots. Great job Biaheza 🥳🥳

  5. True 3D Tours

    Start with 3 straight $1 losses then Martingale but not that game

  6. Chess_Weeb

    We need to protect this guy at all cost
    My guy is literally exposing these fraudsters

  7. Crypto World

    Doubling strategy is so bad

    Casinos know about it …. A lot of people did that with red and black roulette. But in recent years you see a lot of 20x black/red in a row online. How big is that chance? hahaha. toss a coin. Rigged

  8. Tucho Salamanca

    There is no edge on the casino…

  9. PlayHardGoHard

    lost 26 times in a row that is my gambling experience

  10. 4 Corners

    Just to know. I tried this method at least 10 times, and getting wrong more than 10 times in the row is not just possible, IT IS THE RULE. So do not even try

  11. Henry Tang

    Martingale is great for the lolz, but if you play the game long enough, you'll hit a loss streak long enough to wipe you out.

  12. henrique matias

    "Science" is a bit of a stretch for margin gale : D

    would definitely be interesting to see that strat automated on an exchange tough!

  13. WeThePeople

    Listen if you're reading this comment, stay the hell OFF of these crypto casino websites. The house will ALWAYS eventually win and you will jump off a bridge because you are a degen.

  14. Itsme Alex

    "I found a system that on paper will win 100"
    "It's the Martindale system"

    BROOOO you did not 💀 Martindale has a 100% loss rate.

  15. ThatEpicSauce

    Idk man… 😅 seems like ya purposely threw it all away

  16. Berxy

    Assuming you have a 50% to win (roulette is 48.6%) and you have 100dollars and want to get 200 with 1 dollar bets, meaning you would have to win 100times to double your money with a 1/100 chance to lose it all each time. you can write the equation:

    Probability (win 100) = (1-(1/100))^100

    So if you plug that into a calculator you have 36.6% to double your money or a 63.3% chance to lose it all.

  17. Designer- Garb

    I tried this about 15 years ago, I used an online roulette and started my bets at £1, it was going quite well at first and I was up about £160 when I chose the wrong color 13 times in a row and it took all my money which I believe was a total fix because that is so unlikely, I actually tested it with a toy roulette wheel and won overall every time, but the reality is that it's a scam and programmed for you to lose

  18. Audible Ambience

    BRO I'VE LITERALLY DONE THIS EXACT THING WITH GAMBLING ON A VIDEO GAME CALLED RUST. I did it so 6 trades would be the big loss and the only times I ever came out positive is where I would play till I doubled my earnings and left. If I ever got more greedy it seemed to always be a loss. The only reason I'm reacting so much to this is because I came up with the system by myself. I didn't really profit that much in total though so don't recommend to use with real money

  19. Evan Collins

    Let's see the video of doing this on a real exchange at different time intervals

  20. pr0fi🇲🇰

    800th comment 🙂

  21. Suka Blyat

    And then the virus hit…

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