"I main DIO"


Game: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future
Platform: PC (Fightcade)

Song: https://youtu.be/jznk_vXQJ74
Video Rating: / 5

In this timeline, DIO’s Stand could do more than just stop time.

This TAS uses a modified version of ROM. The only things altered in it are color palettes of characters and the HUD. Otherwise, it is the same as the regular game.

Join our JJBA: HFTF Discord: https://discord.gg/EFZyyJm

Frames: 48317
Undo Count: 6695
Difficulty: 8 (Hardest)
Time: 13:25


  1. Lunala

    The sound effects of Dio is cool lol

  2. Giorno Giovanna

    Ok man if i fight you in fight cade i will go leave the game.

  3. Fenosaur Spinerir

    Nothing wrong h ere, just an average day in a dio mainer's life.

  4. Aaron_playz

    I main Dio cuz he touches ppl's toes

  5. DuM ChAnEl

    Some dude just wanting to play the game: "Oh boy, can't wait to play!"
    Dio Main: Logs On
    The dude: "Well shi-" Dies

  6. thanatos from persona 3

    (he mains dio)

  7. Alien

    bro the world and dio are screwing each other while fighting

  8. karl pricones

    Dam that combo

  9. Zenaida Urieta

    Can we see what your hands looks like after 12 hours of playing

  10. TheLastBacon

    dam your op with dio

  11. Ahmad

    Uhhh is dio broken or is this player a legend

  12. APTQ

    Cam you play the game in mobile?

  13. Seraphim

    OK cool and all but WTF is that getup animation?

  14. Revolution_Is_My_Name

    0:29 that road roller drop was clean as fuck

  15. Ha Nguyen

    he is pro,but some player say he use bot fr:/

  16. Satori rengoku

    Nice yba update 👌

  17. fish

    "DIO is fair and balanced, what are you talking about?"

  18. lmeon

    when will kakyoin stop throwing geometric green rocks 💀

  19. Tomas Garcia

    Lets Take A MOment To See How This Guy Perfect All The Storyline

  20. gaming man

    So dio stopped time becuse of the sun is 9 secs or

  21. Zé Ninguém

    in this universe dio have a new ability Invisible mode! 8:58

  22. Mickle9871

    I can’t imagine how fast he pressed those buttons 2:42

  23. Legendarysnake

    wish you used the correct color pallets

  24. gladiator gaming

    Ok one thing about the anime why wouldn't they just all team up on dio???

  25. FakerDEV

    Acutally DIO in nutshell

  26. webbtail245

    The ending really puts into perspective how fucked earth would be if dio survived

  27. aldren andres

    Why is dio not getting damaged?

  28. Dabowler68 ch.

    So this is how DIO ascended to heaven

  29. Shaquer Mijhan Macabangkit

    Remember When Dio Put His Fingers In Iggy?

  30. Caleb Freeman

    This game needs skill cooldown

  31. Caleb Freeman

    100 year old man talking to 60 year old man:
    100 year old man: its your turn to perish "old man"

  32. Ambition

    Dio é um zumbi imortal louco

  33. CharCole

    You can tell it's a quality TAS when he time stops for the Kakyoin fight.

  34. BlazeEr2735M

    2:59 Cuales botones usaste para hacer eso !?

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