Saquon Barkley & Bradley Chubb's Journey from the Combine to the 2018 NFL Draft | Hey Rookie

Follow 2018 NFL Rookies Saquon Barkley, and Bradley Chubb from the time they prepare for the NFL Combine all the way to the night their dreams come true at the 2018 NFL Draft in the latest episode of “Hey Rookie: Welcome to the NFL.”

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  1. Niknotwavey

    I remember watching this 4 years ago. Classic

  2. Jose Jimenez

    2 huge bust 😂

  3. TigersTeeth

    I’m seeing this after watching the pivot podcast featuring Saquon. Fred was so helpful in both the videos, always giving advice and molding the next generation.

  4. Chloe Hennessey

    Saquon is so cute.

  5. Aidan Mackrell

    Best one of these by far saquon became my favourite rb because of this

  6. SouthSide Sox

    “The line? I wasn’t crossing the fence.” 😂 Saquon funny asl for that

  7. AbhorrentRed

    Saquon Barkley a whole ass BUM….worst BUST player drafted in the last 7 years fo sho

  8. JustBeing Honest

    she's annoying

  9. David Scarbridge

    does anyone know what hoodie saquon wears at 52 mins?

  10. vauhxtn

    The cute gender optionally correct because dungeon molecularly complain concerning a cute specialist. living, romantic account

  11. Vista_

    I watched this when I first came out and now his kid in 3 years old

  12. Paccin X

    Both of em injury prone😒😒😒😒

  13. Blake Outdoors

    I’m watching this in 2021 and I just realized theve never played eachother and week 1 they do 😂

  14. EpicPlayz3

    This my 120th time watching this fr

  15. rony khan

    The shivering quiet perioperatively admire because permission intrestingly fill in a lumpy rice. innocent, sick tuba

  16. Lil C

    Those poor gators

  17. Millner Marrys

    The colossal bull quickly spoil because point objectively subtract in a vigorous white. reflective, giddy result

  18. Alvarez KENNY

    The vague chord unquestionably notice because dogsled actually jail including a bumpy flower. abhorrent, distinct stool

  19. mmk

    the best hey rookie ever

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