Monday Night Football (NFL Picks Wild Card) COWBOYS vs BUCCANEERS | MNF Free Picks & Odds

Monday Night Football betting, MNF predictions and Wild Card NFL Picks for the Cowboys vs Buccaneers. We look at which sportsbook betting apps you can find the best MNF Wild Card odds for our Monday Night Football picks, break down the game between the Dallas Cowboys vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers with real analysis, and give our NFL Best Bets and predictions for the point spread and total.

Make sure to subscribe to@Lineups to catch all of our MNF Picks, MNF Props, NFL Betting picks, free sports picks and daily fantasy videos each week this NFL Season.

For the best online sportsbook bonus offers, match bets, and free bets at DraftKings Sportsbook, FanDuel Sportsbook, BetMGM, PointsBet, FoxBet, UniBet, SugarHouse, and BetRivers, visit

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  1. RT T

    lots of "sighs" "exhale" "im taking the bucs" – "I dont like it"
    what a depressing ass Video….


  2. Steven D

    Patrick clear your damn throat

  3. Jtheilluminated1of1

    Buccs pts and the over

  4. Breathe Deep

    Tampa 1.5 TDs
    Dallas 1.5 TDs
    Bet it hard. All in

  5. Veli Lohaus

    As I texted that Ty Hilton also

  6. Veli Lohaus

    I think Godwin and Lamb have a good game

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