Indonesia: Violence breaks out after football match, at least 129 killed in riot | Latest | WION

In Indonesia, at least 129 people have been killed, 180 have bee injured after a riot broke out due to a football match in East Java. The casualties include 125 football fans and two police officers.

#Indonesia #Java #riot

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Barca vice-president confirms Messi’s ‘possible’ return!

Barcelona vice-president Eduard Romeu has stated that Messi’s return in the summer of 2023 is quite a likely scenario: “Messi’s return next year would be possible financially because if he returned it would be as a free agent. We will have no problems with registering players in 2023.”

#messi #barcelona #footballnews
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  1. Muhammd Havif

    You're not just watching a soccer match, its also a DEATH MATCH😅

  2. [Annæ]

    indonesia fans are creepy🔪😵. 3 year ago. Indonesia's hooligan football culture has killed 74 fans.

  3. tamim hasan

    "So how did all 125 of you die?"

    Indonesian: "well,it was a football match and we are moron so we jumped in the field and started throwing bottles."

  4. Melody Nagayo

    They should put them in the jail. ,because they kill people…that's a crime.

  5. Jf Houle

    1:00 Police with numchucks? Really?

  6. Nur Hamidah

    Indonesia is beautifull country, the people are very friendly and kind, please come to Indonesia

    We can watch football Together

  7. hendy vanruslan

    Be nice,be respectful….

  8. khkeyho

    People of peace religion???

  9. Anok Wangsa

    What did they gain?..

  10. tyeedladen

    Peaceful muslims at it again, muslim countries are some of the most backward places on earth

  11. Salman

    The president of football should be suspended from his position

  12. Ishaq Yousuf

    The Indonesian regime is already familiar with human rights violations

  13. Ishaq Yousuf

    This is a genocide committed by Indonesian officials against football fans

  14. Tama Tama

    Buat yang komentar tapi gak tau kejadiannya,asal kalian pahami gak ada bentrokan antar suporter yang ada keamanan yang tidak paham aturan fifa,apa di bolehkan gas air mata masuk stadion,aparat keamanan menembakkan gas air mata ke atas tribun penonton itu yang menjadikan banyak nyawa melayang sedangkan keributan terjadi di lapangan kenapa gas air mata malah d tembakkan ke tribun penonton itu aneh.asal anda pahami gas air mata yang d tembakan beda dengan gas air mata buat membubarkan demo,korban kebanyakan anak anak,perempuan,anak 3,5 tahun juga mesti meregang nyawa.sekali lagi kesalahan bukan dari penonton tidak ada yang namanya bentrok antar suporter.semestinya fifa jatuhkan sangsi ke PSSI.banyak gas air mata di tembakan ke arah tribun penonton,sedangkan pintu keluar di tutup cuma satu atau pintu yang di buka ,itu pun mesti keluar satu persatu,keburu pada mati yang ada,dan kapasitas penonton kenapa penjualan tiket tidak di batasi sekian ribu,itu stadion berkapasitas 40.000 semertinya penyelengara atau panitia plus PSSI menjual tiket di bawah 20.000 tiket.ini bisnis kah,pengalihan isu dalam negeri kah atau kesengajaan.intinya PSSI,penyelenggara atau panitia,standar stadion,pihak keamanan tidak ada yang kompeten.tidak ada stadion yang ramah buat anak kecil,manula,perempuan dan lain2 .jauh dari keamanan.buat FIFA ke RI cuma buat jalan2 mending gak usah ,ke RI harus ngasih sangsi ke PSSI ,mesti bertanggung jawab penuh.kejadian ini Sangat2 menyakitkan buat suporter indonesia,NKRI HARGA MATI tidak dengan cara konyol seperti ini.Tragis.


    Update tday 215 people killed

  16. Izzuddin M Nasir

    This is not the first time

  17. Fitt Zack

    Indonesia is another level .

  18. Marama Hauhnar

    For some football fans, football is important than live..

  19. Football News


  20. don tuakana

    Ummm from my understanding, Messi will make his decision after the world cup…


    Kroos shows how to behave properly of you think you can't go beyond better


    Broja should be given chance or else leave

  23. Charles V

    Mbappe canceled Messi lol. Next neymar lol

  24. Andrzej Christo

    wtf… ???? why ??

  25. Lestenroy Kharbuli

    Miss should extend his contract.. cause Last time barcelona send him off

  26. John Baite

    It's seems like your news is sometimes a faltu news

  27. Moises Depaz


  28. Julian Styles

    Believe me if messi return To barca next season they will win the champions league


    Hey you! Just know that without God we are nothing! Repent soon and remember, Jesus is King and God is the only real God❤! Amen 🙏🙏🏻🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿✝️❤🕊,  God bless you all! 🙏🙏🏻🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿✝️🕊❤!Hey you! Just know that without God we are nothing! Repent soon and remember, Jesus is King and God is the only real God❤! Amen 🙏🙏🏻🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿✝️❤🕊,  God bless you all! 🙏🙏🏻🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿✝️🕊❤

  30. Santa Maya Rai

    Messi return to Barcelona

  31. Vincent Mabele

    Why is this Arab guy so worried about Barca….. Some weirdos🙄

  32. Mattie711

    That psg lad should stfu, Real Madrid has already sold ALL their media rights back in 2006. Y'all acting like Barça is the first to do this shit…

  33. Filip Neminarz

    PSG talking about legal business? what a fucking joke.

  34. k m

    Damn imagine buying the rival club of the same city to pump tons of money into it to make it a serious contender because you hate the fc barcelona so much.

    talk about dedication to your hatred

  35. Elle Dkhar

    Messi….plz dnt go back to barcelona

  36. Modjo Gaming

    hahahaha wake up ..are you dream?? hahaha

  37. N0Di90

    I've been so hyped before for each video released on this channel bcs you've had amazing news and amazing staff. Staff is still amazing but your videos lately became so boring and each video have the same title "Messi,Barca,etc.." Hope this one will change bcs I was a real fan of your content.

  38. Andrew Campos

    Is it just me or is Manchester United just turning into Ajax. They buy all Ajax players thinking they are going to be a great side but Ajax plays in a much much lower league so how can you be great if your just getting players from lower league

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