Fixed matches on Dark Web? │ Deep search!

Fixed matches on Dark Web? │ Deep search!

Fixed matches on Dark Web? │ Deep search!

I heard a lot of talks like: ”try to find fixed matches on the Dark Web, on the white web are all scammers”…

So, I searched and found one guy, but he was a scammer too!

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  1. JoeTech97

    True 99% of those guys are fake but the 1% that are legit are so hard to find and never advertise themselves I had to dig deep after losing so much but got a real one and it changed my life

  2. Gideon Mensah

    Please help me too

  3. Bobby Ghosh

    Today darkweb cheated with me .
    100% cheater.
    And the person name – william490

  4. Mr. Rike

    I have a source I have been following for quite some time but I haven't yet purchased from him but I always see him giving updates before kikoff during play and even after the match is done he claims he purchases the matches so he also resells them as he stakes and he shows all his withdraw and banks transactions but I'm not sure if I should buy how ever he only deal's In HT/FT and draw matches not correct score

  5. Lameck Komba

    Teach me more

  6. Lameck Komba

    May i got more information i have not got you well

  7. pedro dixon

    Hello bro i have messaged you on telegram look it , i have given the source contact ,they are just expensive but they wins , i alone cannot buy it so i have send you

  8. FullMatches

    Who fixes matches won.t tell noone :))…

  9. Orange 50B

    nice content lol i followed

  10. Makuch Lual

    I felt that pain 🙆‍♂️

  11. Md Shaien Shaien

    Fixed match, Sur

  12. AnimalTV stories

    any luck finding legit tips on dark web, pls let me know

  13. Roll the Dice

    I know a site who claims to sell these and i would like to know if its real. But to be honest i dont want to share it with everybody if so. If you want to try that guy out i could send you the site somewhere private. Maybe you already tried idk.@bettinghunter9738

  14. Michael Angst

    No shit.. If a few people are in on fixing a game you can bet on, they aren't going to broadcast it to the internet….

  15. ALFA

    Bro the proof that he showed you yes is from him! But u know how. He give to many people and it's normal sometimes he get correct score for example if u was lucky and win it he gonna ask you to send him your wining ticket and so he show to new client to believe him. Bro never believe thus things the people who made fixing much they are billionaire they don't need your 600 or my 600e

  16. Sharon Ngetich

    Hello 👋 betting Hunter

  17. Matias Constantineau

    Thank you for the video 🙂

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