1. PghsMostWanted ,

    Jus went 19 for 20 picking the college games 😢 Kentucky sold

  2. kmm kmm

    It's the unicorn site…stop with the bs storys

  3. Z$Money

    That's a degenerates dream come true

  4. Patrick C

    I’d ride based solely on the fact you have that TSSF picture on the wall

  5. Mr. Fahrenheit

    Who’s this guy?!

  6. Rob Weiderman

    Shout out to The Story So Far – What You Don’t See on the wall 🤘🏼🤘🏼

  7. George Bush

    He probably lost all his money betting this lol

  8. The GLO Chasers

    What site or app is this?

  9. Christian Nixon

    I been doing .10 cent on up to $1

  10. Jose R

    Sheeesh that’s why I do $3 bets 😏

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