🤾‍♀️🏈Sports Betting w Self Service Terminals Allow for Huge Wins! How to bet from start to finish.💵

Handicap, money line, total bets (over/under) and parlays explained. How to get huge odds on a parlay by taking 5 underdogs or more combined. I take you from start to finish on how to use one of these self service sports betting terminals. How to shop around for the best lines available to give you the best chance to win. How the odds can fluctuate up until game time. How to place and cash your winning wagers. I explain all this in this super helpful video.

It’s all you need to know about sports betting. As little as a .20 cent stake possible on these sports betting machines. Small to massive wins available, you decide how much to risk and at what odds. Watch for these machines to soon be coming to a casino, racetrack or betting shop near you in the USA!