WHY US sports are more socialist than European football

Soccer is the world’s favourite sport, but it’s also a cut-throat capitalist industry, dominated by a financially-powerful elite. In comparison, US sports leagues operate with revenue sharing, salary caps and a draft system. The world’s biggest cheerleader for capitalism follows socialist principles when it comes to sports. How does that work? And could European football one day follow in the footsteps of the NFL and NBA? Kick off! Reporter Janek Speight takes a look.

Report by Janek Speight
Camera: Manuel Vering
Editing: David Jacobi

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  1. ExploreWithMo

    Fantastic video, didn't expect this at all. Thanks for this information

  2. Marc Anthony

    It’s a matter of perspective. You see the team as the thing and the leagues are overseen by the government or the Associations. In the US, the teams and leagues are actually privatized. So you could, in theory, start a competing league tomorrow and overthrow the NFL or MLB or the NBA as the major league of the sport but it is very hard to do just as it is very hard to unseat ManU/Liverpool/Arsenal from the top of the Premier League. They’re firmly entrenched via decades of success and fandom. However, if you look within the leagues, you will find all three of those leagues actually house multiple leagues inside them and this is the direct result of competing leagues that have merged. MLB consists of the National League and American League (and they still play with slightly different rules), NBA consists of the National Basketball Association and the American Basketball Association and the NFL consists of the National Football League and the American Football League(now known as conferences).

  3. The Milky Way Universe

    Although the US systems have their positives, the European system is clearly better. Bring promotion/relegation to the US

  4. The Milky Way Universe

    Hold on, don’t the premier league (the best league in the world) share their revenue equally amongst teams?

  5. Mate Black

    In USA just complete greed almost all teams in these leagues are owned by a billionaire or it's a family business no risk of losing money.
    So stupid sports played only in a single country, unfair to hardworking teams in a way, Not much concern for the sport, just businesses that are sports.

  6. Joshua Mensah

    Very interesting, thanks.

  7. miguel100Criatividade

    Why is football relegation good:So the teams have TO TRY,sharing revenue makes it so American teams don’t have to do shit,having to be at your own feet makes it so getting to the top flight is DESERVED

  8. Truip Evo

    Sorry, but the first 30 seconds are bs if you put the american system against the european way "if you fck around, youre out!"🤣

  9. mmmcounts

    The hard times of Covid have, and are going to, expose the vulnerability of a spend-happy free-for-all system while a more conservative approach by certain teams and leagues is going to show its value in the medium to long term. We do get into that topic just before the 10 minute mark in this video, and although this wasn't mentioned- I rather enjoy seeing the downfall of a massively overleveraged league like the Chinese Super League, while MLS is taking off in a way that didn't seem possible just a few years back. I think these are the two leagues that exist at opposite ends of this spectrum- and if you support a European club that resides much more in the risky direction, I feel bad for you son.

  10. 龍DRAGON

    At the end everyone in the world watchs European football and Americans watch their own game

  11. Chrispanca

    The draft is ridiculous, teams can purposely tank and lose and they get rewarded? How is that good sport?

  12. Nicholas Crumpler

    I think the nba and nfl is pretty balanced everyone get they're money and weak teams get a way to climb back

  13. Danur Kresna Murti

    we need ESL now

  14. Politically Incorrect

    Imagine moving Manchester United over to Liverpool or Real to Barcelona 😂😂😂

  15. Mihael Bitola

    The American sports are extreme communism, but only for the wealthy people. They are sharing everything between them. And nobody from outside can enter in that world. The same thing is with the American big business, corporation's, and the American government.

  16. Mane Mane

    Nba has abput 300 players

  17. Rileyps3232

    No relegation no promotion and the why I wouldn’t watch American sports the no jeopardy in them

  18. Alessandro

    These mf really calling. Ponzi scheme American sports socialist lmao

  19. Zer0Diamonds

    Now I understand better why Europeans have such loud chants. Because it's not a chant, it's a fucking war cry. If they keep losing their clubs might as well be gone. Now ain't that a bitch.

  20. Sai Kojja

    May I ask which part of the country was this vedio filmed , it's looks good

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