WHAT is the most common football result? And WHY?

We bet you think you know. In fact, don’t we all think we know? But who among us would put their money on the tip? Aha, we thought so!

Report by: Philipp Engelhardt
Edit: Christian Förster

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  1. russian weeb


  2. kekvv

    they should change point system . lose become minus . draw become 0 .

  3. barry walsh

    4 draws is always between 90/1 and 100 /1 minimum I wouldn't agree draw 1 1 are most common and I see more late 1 0 2 1 victories than draws


    2_1 2_0 I think mostly 3._1

  5. Carlton Harvey

    it's funny how the narrator assumes there's not as much strategy in hockey or bball simply because there's more scoring. Well no, there's plenty of strategy in both games its just that there's also more reward for your strategy in those games.

    The value of each score doesn't compare to a goal in soccer but when goals are so very few in soccer does that necessarily make for a better game? You have to have a healthy balance of both resistance (difficulty in scoring) and reward (scoring) to make for a truly strategically entertaining game. There's a reason why back a forth 3-2 games are often referred to as classics or deemed highly entertaining by commentators and fans. It's because there are more significant turns and twist in those matches

    And the fact that the video ends insinuating that perhaps 1-1 draws are the best thing for football because it keeps the peace…in an arena of competition that is based on proving your superiority over another, may be the most European thing I've ever

  6. Travizard

    Ask borussia Dortmund. You'll get 3-2 as the most common

  7. Xasew

    8:27 This video makes it sound like 1-1 is a very common result, when it's not. It's just the most common. It's still a very small minority of results.

  8. Dinis Fonseca

    Leverkusen* not Leiverkusen

  9. Dinis Fonseca

    Real*not Reyul

  10. Yuri Lloyd

    This video will go a long way to help me in my prediction money hunt.

  11. declup

    The rules/mechanics of basketball are biased towards offense; those of (world) football are biased against offense. In my opinion, to compensate, the hoop in basketball should be raised and the regulation-size goal in football should be made larger.

  12. Angel Munoz

    Fun Fact:
    The most common scoreline for a World Cup Final is 4-2 🤯

  13. Pat McTallica

    Bullshit and a waste of time!
    There are two results! 1-0 and 0-1!
    ask the Bookies, morons if you really don`t understand!🤦‍♂️
    And the most often result is 1-1!

  14. Marvin Nash

    When you bet on a game. 2:1 has the smaller odds than 1:0 though. Why is that?

  15. Paul Jaime Panis

    Lol you just gave the cheat code. Guess I'll win myself a 100 bucks

  16. Pureepat Arttawejkul

    If it's AI the most common would be 0-0. To err is human afterall

  17. I really Dont Know

    My dad always says that he would like the leagues to grant points based on the amount of goals scored, so that there would be more goals in a game and no more 1:0 and park the bus

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