1. @DarkBiCin

    Tbf the count is useful over an extended period of play and just cause the count is favoring you doesnt mean you are going to win.

  2. @pedroruiz8427

    Yes prayer and meditation helps ♥️🙏😇🌍🌒💫

  3. @GofishingandloveGod

    Worst feeling in the world of gambling is going home as a loser 😭

  4. @MrKnowledgeMrPDS

    See you hanging out with poor idiots is the first problem

  5. @kj2369

    This is why i only take $200 and a non-cash advance credit card with me when i go. Leave all debit cards at home, not allowing myself to lose more than $200

  6. @revolver_bob-cat443

    Ya know what I’ve noticed, all the guys in this dudes videos look alike

  7. @peacefulsurfer

    And sadly this is a loop

  8. @Gnikpunts


  9. @pyrohawk69

    I was gonna stay on that hand, until the "other guy" said stay, then i said hit! 😂

  10. @RippedCards254

    Unrelatable insufficient funds 😂

  11. @chrismoody9855

    Never listen to anyone else, that’s your hard earned money out there.

  12. @Kresh42

    The face he has the MJ meme in here makes it even more hilarious.

  13. @ttvsa1tcorn86

    why does people never trust their own guts?

  14. @shawns574

    Are you FUC..

  15. @johndoeee888

    If I'm going to lose I'm going to lose on my own terms haha

  16. @RamblingMann37


  17. @enriquegrageda

    Pawn your stuff also
    Don't forget 😂

  18. @alizvondhordez4314

    The winner and there is hell dweller it's up to you where you gonna be

  19. @alexterry4259

    And this is why…….
    You go in your car.and I go in mine!!!

  20. @redfishfun540

    Dammit where are you getting all this money 🤣🤣🤣

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