Transfer Portal CLOSED: Impact on College Football | CBS Sports HQ

Barrett Sallee joins CBS Sports HQ to discuss the impact of the transfer portal and NIL on college football.


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#CollegeFootball #TransferPortal #NIL
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  1. Derek Jones

    Fix the NIL

  2. Le Chandler

    Bottom line schools (i.e. coaches) are going to be much more selective in giving out scholarships. Incidentally, that is probably all to the good, and as usual, the same teams will still rise to the top, like always.

  3. Elvin Ware

    It ain't no fun when the rabbit got the gun! Fight On!

  4. D.M. 49ers

    Kedon Slovis is 🗑️🤣🤣 Stop it.. He was at USC Last season he had no chance at beating out Jackson Dart or Miller Moss even before LR came


    It would be hilarious if he has a terrible year after being paid all that money. I'd love to see USC have to eat that 3 million for nothing.

  6. Rob Davis

    As far as Jordan Addison goes I guess it's possible that he "COULD" get those numbers again but let's see…he loses the QB who helped him get those #s, loses his position coach and his OC. Now you're telling me he can go play in Lincoln Riley's offense, with Caleb Williams (a friend of his) as his QB AND get a big bag of NIL cash to boot! 🤔🤔🤔 Doesn't seem like a hard choice right!?!

  7. D22 Williams.22

    Bout time the kids got some the BILLIONS that are made from college football marketing

  8. Tenahsee Traveler

    Guard rails on coaches is what should happen first. Same old story capitalism for the man , servitude for the rest. The whole system is a scam to make a few rich and keep the rest down.

  9. G-Man

    Contract and time table…

  10. Bobby Joyner

    U ready….
    They been pimping these young Men…
    Fo years..
    Making Millions.. Off of them..
    These Big Time.Schools..
    Hve been paying them..
    They Mom.. Dad..whoever…

    High Tech Slavery….
    Jst like the NFL..draft..
    Jst like a Slave Auction…
    They difference is They get Money..which is not enough…
    Compared to back n day… Jst work.them…
    N.use them..till
    They can't go no more..n then u.would kill
    Yes I said.. It!!!!
    All a joke…
    Go to HBCU….
    I'll say
    Black Athletes..
    Go Home….

  11. Brandon Christopher

    Get that money players get that money. College football is a joke get your money because they're getting theirs

  12. Brandon Christopher

    Who really cares??? I don't care at all. College football is a joke it's been a joke for a very long time you have all these schools in the middle of nowhere who've been paying money under the table for years you can't look me in the face and tell me Norman Oklahoma's a great place to live when you're 18 to 22 years old lol most of these colleges are in places that players don't want to be at but they're there cuz they're getting money and now that the big city schools and marketing areas are going to start getting those players or is just going to flat out be the highest bidder and more power to them.

    I honestly think college football should just be disbanded at this point It's such a joke college sports are a complete travesty and they should just go ahead and admit they've been a minor league for basketball and football and just start paying the players this should join the union and be done with it.

    Or go the route of allowing these guys to jump to the NFL after their sophomore season or even their freshman season cuz honestly the risk reward is the same lol it really is the NFL needs a true minor league system that pays players I know I've said too much but whatever

  13. Asya Sobanina

    A legenda di mikujava.Monster snowquen hè u mo idolu. Hè a persona chì aspiru à essea, hè a mo luce di ghjornu

  14. Elroy 064

    I love the movement and the NIL money they’ve been held down for so many years and coaches have been making millions while the schools have been making as well let the kids get that money.

  15. Skyler Shaw

    Between nil and the transfer portal I'd have them sign contracts or I'd have a timeline of when they can enter the portal and out some restrictions on it

  16. Skyler Shaw

    I'd say make the players sign a college contract

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