Tackling Problems- Kevin Samuels gives solid Advice

Tackling Problems- Kevin Samuels gives solid Advice

Tackling Problems- Kevin Samuels gives solid Advice

Kevin Samuel’s provide some solid advice regarding facing and tackling problems. In order to find treasure you must be willing to leave the comfort of the shore. Serious food for thought. #short
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  1. Esther Keeling


  2. Kelvin Blunt

    Preach my brother preach! Plain and simple great message

  3. bobby lemmons

    That was food there!

  4. kennyWhateva



    I miss him so much 😢he was the TRUTH …..

  6. Rico

    Or.. and hear me out.. you put yourself out of your comfort zone in a place with no safety nets.

    All the while you’re getting your shit kicked in with mortars and small arms fire. Get out, go to college, do well, and then the weight of what happened finally creeps up on you and you shut down.

    Hypothetically, that could happen, too.

    Some people are far too comfortable. Other have tried taking those steps and due to unforeseen circumstances they find themselves in a hole.

    I know a lot of people who broke their asses for years only to get out and drink themselves to death within a year or two literally.

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