"Sports, I Miss You" – A Rolling Stones / Coronavirus Parody

God, I miss sports.

I’ve been holding out so long
Playing Madden all alone
Sports, I miss you
Checking Twitter on my phone
On my barstool, all alone
Sports, I miss you

Well I’ve been watching crazy things
Cornhole, Robot Fighting League
Sports, I miss you
And I’ve been reading way too much
And been cleaning way too much
Sports, I miss you

What’s it come to man?
I just miss the days where I could sit on my couch
And watch Tiger in his Sunday red like I’m supposed to
Grab a case of beer
And watch the Leafs lose in round 1 like we’re used to

We’re missing so much
No Olympics coming up
Oh the pain
Roger Goodell’s awkward hugs
Astros batters getting plugged
Oh, such a shame

Well the classics aren’t enough
I miss everything so much
It’s heartbreaking
Curveballs, heaters down the pipe
Buzzer beaters, tickled twine
Crowds going crazy

Miss You Karaoke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YkKMh80Wpo
Vikings Crowd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JaP0B0dJiY&t=49s

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/MelodyNMartin
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/melodynmartin/


  1. Monte Carlo

    This was a good video at the time, but man did it age poorly

  2. douglas gates


  3. Jonathan Finlay

    Ok you are so amazing! Even with the Leaf jab lol

  4. Go Leafs Go

    As of February 2022 maybe the lyrics could be changed to "Melanie we miss you" ……. hope you're self imposed exile ends soon your content is missed young lady!

  5. LP Quagmire

    You are a very astute and talented young lady with great taste in music!

  6. David Fitzpatrick

    1:26 As a Leafs fan that hurts! LOL so true though/.

  7. Mr. Problem solver 89

    When did you become a bears fan?

  8. ‘F15Stroke’

    “Sports I Miss You” gets a Covid disclaimer from YouTube? Fuck off Susan.

  9. David Lajon

    If this doesn't convince you to become a fan of Mel's, nothing will. Great job, Mel! Keep up the good work.

  10. Matthew Gregory

    Great song wow this could be the year leafs win the whole thing

  11. Monte Carlo

    Sports are back!!

  12. Todd Brisette

    You are sooooo cute melody!!!

  13. Todd Brisette

    Good arm there

  14. doogs

    That was excellent! Love the voice.

  15. Malik Vicente

    I’m a leaf fan and sure we can’t get out of the first round but at least we know what playoffs are

  16. Lost

    In 7 to Boston, like they're supposed to.

  17. Derrick Sones

    "And watch the Leafs lose in round 1" was the line that got the thumbs up from me. Nicely done!

  18. TheHiddenOne

    “And watch the leafs lose in round 1”says a sabres fan. That would be like if Charlie Brown chirped anyone ever on this planet in this unreserve. Report Sabres sign Charlie Brown fits loser culture

  19. Greg Hearn

    Ha jokes on you the leafs didn't make it to the first round 🙂

  20. K-Dog


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