Pinnacle Sports Lead Climbing Course

The sport lead course is designed to give you the knowledge and skills to climb a route on-sight, from the ground up, then get back down, safely.
From South East Queensland to South East Asia and everywhere beyond, a countless number of bolted routes are simply begging for you to climb them. Our Sport Lead Climbing course is the key you need to unlock the vertical adventures that await, both at home and abroad.

If you’ve spent a bit of time top roping and you’re looking to take the next step in your climbing career, look no further. Lead climbing is the gold standard of the sport, and acquiring the skills to make an ascent from the ground up will open a new world of opportunity to you. With the techniques you’ll learn during the Sport Lead Climbing course, any bolted route on the planet will be fair game! If your goal is to turn up at the cliff, pick a route and crush it, this is the course for you.

Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee the finger strength for success on each and every route. But what we can guarantee is that our course covers the best practices for safe climbing at any sport crag. Our qualified instructors will teach you everything you need to know – not just how to get up, but how to get down safely too. Climbing is only fun when everyone comes home in one piece.