NHL Game 4 Highlights | Oilers vs. Kings – May 8, 2022

Jonathan Quick had a 31-save shutout and the Los Angeles Kings scored twice in the first period to secure a 4-0 victory over the Edmonton Oilers and even their first-round playoff series at 2-2.


  1. King TrumPutin

    DOUBLE DANG!! BILLY SMITH’s age is starting to show in this series. How can a guy 65 years old play at this level without rest? Oilers should play Koskinan in next game to give Billy a rest.

  2. Cam Maxwell

    The Oilers we've groan to know and love.

  3. Ur Mom

    I’m not a kings fan, but I’m a huge Jonathan quick fan. I’m so glad to see this bounce back game. Hope he can carry them past Edmonton

  4. Joe Idaho

    Coilers in the crapper in this one. They didn't play like a team.

  5. Роман

    Вратарь ,первая звезда матча.

  6. Félix-Antoine Guay

    Danault's playing very good in this series

  7. Goodeye

    Come on, Oilers, 20 shots alone in the 1st period by the Kings. What did you think what awaits you? Some Oilers players skated like they had their wifes in their arms. Number 75 hockey is contact sport. Good Lord.

  8. Paulo Roberto Vaz

    Até gol de peixinho!!! Fator casa vai ter que pesar para os Oilers…

  9. snake knife

    What a horrible night for hockey ,every game went to garbage.

  10. Katie Egervari

    Every game is a blowout one after the other, back and forth. So many series are like this where one team just goes into beast mode and dominates and then doesn't show up the next game.

  11. Bill Knox

    Kings deserved this one but how is it a goal when you plow through the goalie ? Terrible call

  12. Eminem

    tons of russian bots in this section lol

  13. willmcgee45

    Gotta hand it to them, they have grit to spare.

  14. Ариан Назаров


  15. Jake Makanui

    It was a great game by the Kings that shut the entire Edmonton Oiler team up. They were bragging like they won the Stanley Cup.

  16. GunstarGizmo

    The Oilers got burned by their own net crashing plays. Quick need to stick to whatever style works best in keeping the puck out matter how unorthodox it may seem.

  17. BlackMasakari

    Congrats to L.A. from an oilers fan – more determination even though the kings got some nice bounces, but they earned them.
    Didn't understand the misconduct on Ceci though, he defended himself from a charging Luzat (is this his name?).
    Anyways…..game 5 upcoming and the oilers better come go in with playoff energy and not with regular season energy.

  18. MrBub89

    Is McDavid injured? He is as invisible as Marner is in the playoffs

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