1. Tommy Hormel

    That’s hilarious that the thumbnail on a hottest moments is a kardashian

  2. K Spear

    The Only thing that makes baseball watchable , still don't , I come here. BORING

  3. mcat2317

    MS Texas was awful.

  4. Honyopenyoko

    Why do I feel like Kang was “Hey, Jung-ho, you’re Korean, go catch the first pitch from the K-Pop star.”

    (Ok I didn’t catch the announcer say she was his guest. He seemed completely uninterested but was maybe nervous / trying to be professional.)

  5. zzXMookysXzz

    Hot women won’t even help baseball because that game is boring AF.

  6. Bits Of Everything

    this is gay…. baseball is the cringiest of them all

  7. Ben Hill

    I struck out. Got the restraining order to prove it.

  8. Daniel Presnell

    0:55 let’s give her credit for her blonde-worthy throw. She’s a stick thin blonde… how bad could it get. Imagine being a stupid as fuck blonde

  9. Teran Icer

    IDGAF about #77s pitch, she's 🔥. Simone Biles 🔥

  10. Rip & Bones

    Now I know where the term ( throws like a girl ) comes from lol

  11. Jordielpino

    Fake asses are absolutely disgusting. It's cartoonishly dumb looking and embarrassing

  12. Lele bella

    Bbl done made it to base ball😭😭

  13. sote ful

    And women wondering why they are objectified.

  14. Trout Trout

    Manfred just destroyed baseball!

  15. mpound97

    Ozuna was beating on this woman?! Damn…

  16. Mitchell Ace

    We as men need to touch grass more 😂😂

  17. James Hines

    I clicked for the blonde and got clickbaited. No subscribe.

  18. jeter 2

    Click bait mofo.

  19. Enstigator Official

    I hate a fake thumbnail click bait liars

  20. cathy phegley

    Ok So what does the blonde with the nice tan have to do with anything in this video?

  21. Doug Cutler

    Remember when we used to think grown men hitting balls with sticks was entertainment?

  22. F-V6 Rhino

    Where’s the girl😐

  23. Segeln Natur

    Sorry, no time for watching big kids making millions playing ball games or hockey 😉

  24. AS PE

    Ultimate fan boobers is not as advertised? Boooooo-bs!?

  25. Iotola of RocknRolla

    Click bait

  26. Dwight

    Clickbait. I watched for the racks…

  27. Sanny Love

    )))ڡ•◍)❤🧡FELICITACIONES linda festa💖. Que nudefilm.UnO bom que🧡 saiu do jeito que você sempre quis*🧡 ela estava muito 💚linda eeeee aaa mamãe também💚💚💚.

  28. eight inches

    All for a $3.00 baseball smh.

  29. Joanne Devine

    The jump flyer lost his sunglasses too.

  30. Peter Rocc

    For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)
    He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. (Proverbs 28:13)
    Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. (Psalms 51:1-4)

  31. Kruppt808

    We all fell for it, this isn't rickrolled but its close

  32. billy blackmon

    what an idiot to grab that ball over the lady in the white shirt and khakis. I am glad he is on here for many folks to see. the biggest jerk in all these videos. and he even looks proud of it.

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