Human Design Money Line – Abundance Through Healthy Willpower

Human Design Money Line – Channel 21-45: Abundance Through Healthy Willpower

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The wisdom of The Money Line, connecting the Ego Center to the Throat Center, is one of HEALTHY willpower and HEALTHY hierarchy. That, when you are the steward of money and impact from alignment with who you truly are, you can bring wealth to yourself AND all those around you.

Either Manifestors or Generators can have this channel defined.

If you have Channel 21 45 defined in your chart OR if you have either Gate 21 or Gate 45, there is a value in you being in control of situations in your life such that everyone will thrive around you (Gate 21) or a value in you being at the top of a hierarchy and helping to guide the future health and wealth of your communities, trusting your ability to lead and guide energy in the best possible way (Gate 45).

The is a very “traditional” leadership channel, taking control and leading from the top of a hierarchy, utilizing your willpower to drive projects into manifestation.

BUT it’s not the watered down idea of willpower that society talks about. It’s not forcing your way through life with coffee, energy drinks, and exhaustion. Willpower is an energetic intelligence that turns on and off. And when it’s on, Channel 21 45 invites you to ride that wave. And when it’s off, it invites you to not force anything and wait until it’s back on.

And, with Channel 21 45 defined, your natural place is in a leadership position, guiding those around you. And when you’re in control, it’s better for everyone. And trust yourself to lead in a way that is supportive, not oppressive. Or to notice the parts of you that need healing around that.

If you don’t have Channel 21 45 defined (or either gate), it will still be temporarily defined by planets and others’ auras here and there, so understanding the beautiful wisdom it has to share – modeling the rising and falling hierarchies that arise in nature – can also have a great impact on you.

I don’t have it defined and it teaches me so much.

So enjoy the video and let the wisdom of this powerful channel sink in.

And if you’d like to learn about all the types, strategies, authorities in one place, as well as the science behind your chart, and more, grab the Living Your Design Masterclass here:

#orionohev #selflove #humandesign

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➡️ Consciousness Catalyst & Emergent Coach
➡️ Creator of the “The Phoenix Method” for Thought Leaders
➡️ Human Design & Wealth Dynamics Trained Professional

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Background Song (“Bursting Stars” by DTO):…

Books I recommend to support your journey. These books have greatly supported my journey:

The Definitive Book of Human Design by Lynda Bunnel:
The 5 Personality Patterns by Steven Kessler:
Wired for Love by Stan Tatkin:


  1. Sue Ann Dayton

    Thank you . I'm a 2/4 MG without this Channel, however I do have 10 Line 3 activations that after I discovered HD learned my design confirmed why I have done well in certain areas. Deep in the 3rd Foundation Course of RAVE Cartography. Your presentatios are immensely helpful . Kudos

  2. bacclady

    Great video! I have an MG energy type with channel 21-45 defined. Years ago, I left my corporate career with plans to "own and manage the land" but the leap was too big for me at the time (something you talked about in another video) so my success wasn't sustainable. I re-entered employment as a consultant, which offered some stability + some autonomy. Now, I'm ready to make the most of this channel again and it feels like the next logical step as opposed to huge leap of faith it felt like in the past.

  3. Manny

    Can’t wait to apply this! I have very difened ego and I was hoping it would help! Projector though?

  4. Brenda Pitts

    Hi Orion how do I get a reading?

  5. Faith Esprit

    What happens if you don't have this line. I'm a 1/3 emotional manifestor RAX of the unexpected with the defined channels 19-49, 28-38 and 35-36….ah I see with gate 49 I have to learn to accept I cannot completely depend on myself even if I wanted to without this money line gate. Oh the struggle.

  6. Ciobanenco Anamaria

    Hello! New subscrieber! ✨️

  7. Lauren Shuey

    As a projector with the 45 gate, does this mean I also make money best by working for myself?

  8. Michelle Grattan

    Love love love love love

  9. Marija Grgurevic

    I have chanel 21, and i feel very challenged by leadership, i feel too scatterbrained to lead others and manage projects even in the small scale that i do. Would having a gate 45 as a partner help focus that?

  10. Yaya

    I have an open ego with only the 41 alone gate. I’m a 5/1 emotional manifestor. My son and grandson have a completely open ego. The will power to get going is low for us 😢

  11. Stefania Alba Nova

    Awesome video I’ve got this full love and am splenic Manifester 3/5 and really resonated with the push through part getting burned out a lot before really getting in trouble with health and reframing a lot. The Wil power now I see more as my stubborn committed I WILL IT THEREFORE IT WILL BE and eventually it will Manifest really love getting to know Human design would love kids to get this in elementary school that would help society so much thank for the insightful video

  12. GenX_AboveTruth

    I love❤️ the video! I like your perception! I would really love to win a reading! Currently homeless, only temporary! Thank you again! I hope to communicate with you in the future! This Aquarius rising Capricorn 5/1 triple split is here to change someone’s world!🌎☀️

  13. Kareena Banogon

    I have this channel. Soo interesting because my life is currently not in alignment for sure lol. Thank you!! Would love a reading!

  14. Lisa Harris- McLean

    Thank you a 21/45 🙂

  15. Kam

    I have the gate 21 defined in my conscious Earth and my brother has gate 45 defined in his design Moon and conscious Venus. We do not get along at all. I often call him a tyrant to his face lol

  16. Kiran Paul

    Hi Orion! I'm a projector but I also resonate with a manifestor since I'm life path 1, the path of leadership. I definitely want to be independent and find it hard working under someone as Ive never met someone who truly gets what I'm about. Also as a projector I feel like I rarely have any energy. Therefore the regular 9 to 5 doesn't work for me. I want to be an entrepreneur. Do you think it is normal to have qualities of 2 design types?

  17. skinnyalmondlatte

    thanks for sharing!

  18. Whimsical Group Piano Online

    Excited to win! Thank you for the information!

  19. Megan Graham

    Thanks so much for sharing!

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