How to Get Noticed at Recruiting Camps

It’s camp season and it’s your chance to get the looks you need but how do you get them? Chad Wilson tells you some of the top ways to get noticed by coaches when you go to a college football recruiting camp.

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  1. Messup7654

    Should a 10th grader with no background and records go here or should I just go to like rivals or something

  2. Ted Tod

    Hey everyone! I just wanted to share some good news with you all. Let's just put it this way, the Ten Commandments are called the Moral Law. Ask yourself this. How many lies have you told? Have you ever stolen anything? Have you ever used God's name in vein? Have you ever hated someone or ever looked with lust? This is for you to judge yourself, but chances are that you are a lying, thieving, blasphemous, fornicating, adulterer at heart and you HAVE to face God on judgement day. Now ask yourself this. If God judges you on judgement day by these Commandments, will you be innocent or guilty? Of course you'll be guilty because we've all done these things. The truth is that none of us are good people and we NESD God's grace to make it to heaven. We judt simply cannot do it on our own. These Commandments arecalled the Moral Law. You and I broke the law, Jesus payed the fine. So now what we must do to be saved is to repent of our sins and trust alone in Jesus Christ! To repent doesn't mean to just say I'm sorry, but to turn from our sins and let Him truly be our Lord continually. He said that many will say to Him, Lord, Lord I have done all of these things for you. And He will say I never knew you. Depart from Me, ye who work iniquity! And those will be cast into outer darkness and raging hellfire and loneliness for all of eternity!!! Because we broke His law, He is very, very just to send us to hell. If someone had murdered 4 people and said to the judge, I've done nice things too and have tried to treat people nice but it was just one time, the judge would then say, okay but you're going to jail. And the judge is very just to do that. One last thing, if you were 10,000 feet in the air and you had to jump, you wouldn't jump out and flap your arms and try to save yourself. That's ridiculous! You would put on the parachute. It is the same with Jesus. You must trust Him as you trust the parachute. We are not good and we cannot save ourselves with our own goodness. We must trust alone in Him to save us. In just a moment of time you can pass from death to life. Jesus said, "Verily, verily I say unto you, you must be born again." That is how we enter heaven. Through the blood and grace of Jesus Christ!!!!✝️If you ask someone how to enter Heaven, they will most likely say, "Be a good person." Well the Bible says that none is good, no not one. We like to compare ourselves to guys like Hitler and say, "Hey, I'm a pretty good guy compared to him." But when we compare ourselves to God's standard, we  realize that the Bible speaks truth when it says that we all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God!!! When we see this ( our sin in its TRUE light), we see how much trouble we are in and we say, "Well then there's nothing I can do. I'm going to hell for sure then." It's true that there is nothing that WE can do, but there is something that has already been done for you! God sent His One and Only Son to die on a cross as a sacrifice for our sins! So to recieve that eternal sweet sweet forgiveness, all we must do is repent of our sins (meaning to continually turn from them and confess them) and trust alone in Christ as you trust a parachute. If I was to push you out of an airplane, you'd want the parachute for sure! Don't try to flap your arms and save yourself, trust in the parachute! His finished work on the Cross IS ENOUGH!! He is the only way to Heaven, He said it Himself!! These other religions teach that we must he good and do good things and then maybe if we've been good enough, we will enter Heaven. But if that is true then we are all doomed to eternal hell because none of us are good. That's why this makes sense. Look at the Ten Commandments, they are written on your heart right now!!! I promise that you have violated them. And you might still be doing that today. Therefore God is just to poor out His wrath on us because we deserve it!!! But Christ died for us so that we can spend eternity in Heaven with Him!!! Turn to Him today, and He and only He will save your soul "Verily, verily I say unto you, you must be born again ( to  go to Heaven)."✝️The true joy of Christ dwells in me! Does it in you? I know where I'm going when I die! Do you? I have an ETERNAL victory! Do you? I have more joy than ever because of what Christ has done. I have been down both roads. The road of the wicked and the road of Christ. Christ is way better and my cup runneth over with true of and salvation. If you do not know the One true God and are not sure of your salvation, I promise He will never fail you. Turn to Him in repentance and faith. Repent means to confess and forsake your sins, never turning back to them. I tried changing on my own but I couldn't. It took the power of Christ on the inside of me to do it for me. He will give you a new and clean heart with new and clean desires and you shall be born again. A new creation in Christ Jesus!!!! Hallelujah!!! Jesus said in order to enter the Kingdom of God, you must be born again!!! Thank you Lord Jesus!!!!!✝️

  3. e smith

    More players need to do this sort of thing. Gives me a whole new appreciation for KAT. I love it. I will now be trading myself to the Timberwolves on 2K! LOL

  4. S.T.K.

    This fucking subtitles are annoyiiing

  5. MaxW

    I came here bc i want to watch the video but cant take the 2nd hand embarassment lol.

  6. Dyl S

    If Jidion was our couch I bet we would win more games.

  7. Byron ‘92

    Chill on the captions

  8. Bryan Gray

    I’m pretty sure that’s in Houston and if it is I’ve played there

  9. DaDudeツ

    I feel so bad honestly 😂 😂

  10. Dito Nara

    frr im just watvh this vid for what jidion doinn… and im freakin embarassed fr😂

  11. Khaos

    that bald man wasn't gonna do anything lol

  12. x_hybrid

    Jesus is our saviour ✝️❤️

  13. Billel Bil

    I love you Karl 🐐
    I love this chanel

  14. Alex ll

    jidion on demon time

  15. stephen Eduful

    😹😹😹😹 nah JiDion bad

  16. alibabonaut

    much love to the cutter bro you diffrent 🔥🔥

  17. David Extreme

    Jidion repping my town New Orleans let’s gooo

  18. Lorenzo Dawkins

    Jidion wasn’t scared lol

  19. Lorenzo Dawkins

    I don’t know how the parents were taking him serious either with the camera there but people really be clueless like that 💀

  20. RBLX_Monke

    7:43 Got me dying 😂😂🤣💀💀

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