How College Football Recruiting Works | The Recruiting Trail 001

This video breaks down how a college football staff is organized and how the evaluation process takes place. A lot of recruiting services/coaches just spam your highlight video out and call that “marketing”. There should be a strategy in place to reach the right person! Getting in touch with your area coach that is responsible for your school is most important!
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  1. Melissa Smiley

    What about all of these EXPOSURE CAMPS? Are they just a money grab? Sure seems like it

  2. Melissa Smiley

    How about filling out the FAFSA?
    Your content falls short of the actual everyday player….

  3. Melissa Smiley

    Why don’t you start with grades?
    Is this just a business?

  4. Melissa Smiley

    Why is there nothing about how s recruiter looks at how a kid treats people namely their mother?

  5. Penny Furr

    How do we locate the area coach for a college or university?

  6. The Supervisor

    That high school he’s at is in Indiana by Indianapolis. They lost to Warren Central in the State 5A game my Sr year in high school.

  7. Jzj_k s

    For running backs what are good workouts for speed and strength I’m 5’10 205 I’m fairly built but I feel like my speed is lacking the most

  8. Sleep Club - Deep Relaxing Sleep Sounds


  9. JR

    I didn’t play much varsity my sophomore year of hs, and I didn’t even play my junior year because I was not even considering college. I played my senior year(this year), put in so much work before the season, bulking, lifting, using the cone and ladder, I thought I had the wide receiver spot locked, until I tore my quad in a 7 on 7. I’m back now and it’s obvious how much better I am strength wise and athletically than the guys in front of me but the coaches ignore me as if they forgot about me. I don’t know what to do I worked so hard and I know I can do it but my coaches almost don’t even care about me and that’s no exaggeration. Like the favoritism is awful, I mean terrible. A former teamate went to cyber schooling, and now plays for another team as a starting linebacker; at my school, he didnt get a single rep at a scrimmage, and walked off the field dropping his helmet lol. Last offensive practice I finally got reps, I had three straight catches, a screen, a vertical, and another vertical which I mossed the corner in the endzone, but they still put a lanky slow sophmore over me in game. It’s frustrating, I wanna play football, I don’t wanna give it up because I never got a fair shot in HS. what do i do?

  10. Randy Olson

    Coach thank you. I am trying to get my nephew recruited. He is 9th grade and comes from a broken home. My dad and step mom raise him. Learning to keep that hush and reaching out to coaches is new Information that I didn’t know. Thanks a ton.

  11. Noah Wariner Football

    I watched half this video before realizing this is Carmel High School in Central Indiana. My family and I just moved to Navarre, Florida after my wife and I grew up in Noblesville. Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for our son Noah Wariner. He played against Chip Stein (who was my offensive line coach while I played at Noblesville between 2000-2003) and Carmel as a Noblesville Grinder in 2019 and 2020.

    Very informative video. Thank you for posting.

  12. Aden

    I got a question if I haven’t played football at all and I started playing in my senior year can I still be scouted for being good? As. 5’10 running back?

  13. Worth Gregory

    Grat info man!

  14. NFLOL Productions

    How are you supposed to get in contact with the area coach, and by film does that mean you send them
    highlights of your gameplay?

  15. David Nantz

    Make sure he has both parents. An Ohio State secret.

  16. Caleb Bobo

    As a starting freshman with no film or highlights beacause the school doesn't film 9th/JV games how can I get film so colleges can look at me

  17. Unknown

    Hey Coach, for the service academies normally applying to get into the school starts January of junior year. My dream is to pick up an offer from West Point, or even walk on for their football program if it came down to that. So, do you know if I would still apply same as non-football players (January of Junior year)? Or is it different for football players.

  18. ChocolateThunder012

    I got very little highlights my junior year and no contacts from coaches, it is senior year I am a 5’10 160 lb corner and I’ve been getting 10 tackles a game and getting good film. I do feel like it is too late now though, what should I do?

  19. RO DP

    What’s my chances of getting a scholarship if I only played my senior year

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