1. Raghav Sharma

    Hi, I’m a professional trader exceeding £10,000plus on a monthly basis. I now specialise in binary options trading. A great way to potentially make 80% returns quickly with no prior experience. I can teach strategies for all level traders and educated them all for free. If you are interested in learning and interested in making money email me at raghavsharma3636@gmail.com.

  2. boycee f

    A couple of questions.

    1. How much will you allow me on each selection?
    2. Will you continue to take my bets to said amount, even though I am a long term winner?
    3. How competitive will your prices be and why would I bet with Betfair Fixed Odds, rather than say any of the Hight Street books?
    4. Do you intend to offer prices on the horse markets (I hope so) or just football?

    OK that's 4 questions, but I was never any good with numbers. ~(:O))

    All the best, hope you succeed I really do.

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