Bill Gates Reveals His 10 Predictions For 2022

When billionaire, Bill Gates, speaks, the world listens. Check out his bold new predictions for 2022 in today’s amazing new video! Does the creator of Microsoft know the future or will his predictions fall flat? Find out right now!


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  1. Luz bos


  2. Kahlil

    Bill Gates don't have a clue. He's throwing out what he thinks should be done. Mmennn whatever!!!!

  3. M G

    I don’t care about anything Bill Gates has to say, but I will make a comment: Bill Gates isa man of pure evil.

  4. Raising the Conch

    I love that they simplify the information with the same happy cartoons so that it feels like Im reading a 4th grade school book.

  5. Miranda Rogers

    1 Corinthians 15:1-4

    Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
    2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
    3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
    4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

  6. Mailing Account

    Whether it’s predictions or plans; we know what’s coming. Hopefully we can fight for our freedom one day.

  7. Shannon X Pennywise

    Predictive Programming.

  8. Azzeka The Real One

    We The people have vote Bill Gates OUT!!! The People have Spoken. Power to The People is very Real. Together we stand and will NEVER fall again.

  9. AustinBoWdOwN

    gates thinks the government should control what you can or can't say on social media ? 😆 so he's against the first amendment… the very 1st Amendment the country was built on.

  10. AustinBoWdOwN

    🧐 🤔 Gates also is somehow involved with the vaccines, has said in front of cameras that he is a believer that the population needs to be reduced, and has been buying huge plots of farmland for years now… I'm no conspiracy theorist but I have a feeling he has "some plans in store "…

  11. Brittany Green

    Lol predictions and only predictions 😉

  12. HoboDuckbutter

    Prediction of his own design… I never trusted him.

  13. 4 Raven

    He also predicted the baby formula shortage, um.. you ever wonder how he knew that would happen?????

  14. Name Linzi Naw

    The comments say it all

  15. aѕтro gмr

    Gate work for secret societies it's not prediction it's gate plan's

  16. Rome Linda Reyes

    Nice video, very engaging from the beginning to the end. Nevertheless putting our time and effort in activities and investments that will yield a profitable return in the future is what we should be aiming for

  17. Crystal Watson

    this was planned from the start. I do not by anything he says.

  18. Frank Moore

    Why didn't Gate's CEPI presentation to the WEF include any provisions or considerations for investigating off label research for therapeutics?

  19. Glenn Moonpatrol

    Marshall Macluhan said in the sixties: 'The Medium is the Message.'

  20. Glenn Moonpatrol

    what is an NFT? stop the fancy jargon, real person here.

  21. Erik Syring

    42: Left out the most important thing, continually adding partners.

  22. Lucas Glowacki

    UBI=💩, sorry…throwing money at the poor has never worked even once. It will help get them drunk or high, they’re not gonna buy diapers with it😂😂

  23. Nurlan Karakov

    god doesn't exist !!!

  24. Giffica

    It's the spineless coward who blocks people when they point out "professor" scott galloway has never once successfully invested in a start up his entire career, and uses pretty, fancy visuals and is the academic version of Tai Lopez selling garbage to laymen, except to our academic "elite", who are 99% of the time fat, suited useless institution heads that eat up drivel and are all to welcome to have MR galloway at their university/platform.

  25. Daniel thunder

    This guy has an atrocious record on predictions.

  26. Bryan Liu

    Sounded just like another liberal prof parroting the same narratives.

  27. April Harris

    I am sick of listening to this jerk

  28. Debbie F.

    It's offputting when he drops the F-bomb in the first couple sentences.

  29. lucanellospazio

    Love this guy

  30. Thomas

    Elon lives rent free in this dude's head 😂

  31. Mike Graf

    I'm seriously triggered by the Mazda talk. But upon deeper reflection it's painfully true.

  32. Vincent Karaboulad

    From now on, whenever I'm wrong, I'll just say I'm being "provocative".

  33. Lorenzo Rodriguez

    What was he right about?…

  34. Astro Sci

    The greatest business model ever is the realization that 99% of the U.S. population are ignorant, stupid, uneducated or some combination of these three traits…..

  35. Lissa Giulioni

    I disagree with this guy. He is was correct in announcing that he is a pessimistic person. Why give him a plate form. Talk talk talk … I have a headache ! Peace out!

  36. BlackMan614

    Peloton… a $1k bike w/ an iPad strapped on. Sorry… he is wrong x10 on this call.

  37. Az Tek

    Prof. G obviously doesn't like "Space". LMAO

  38. Chris S

    Everyone bought an oculus for it around Christmas. You missed the mark on that one

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