Anthony Bennett Shines in his First NBA Preseason!

The first pick in the 2013 NBA Draft,Anthony Bennett, shines in his first NBA Preseason.
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  1. Seahawksfan#14

    i think he will be great in years to come

  2. Hyper Hooper Basketball

    Shines? Lol hahahahahahahahahahahaha tell someone that 8 years later…


    This didn't age well💀

  4. Brandon Kelly

    All jokes aside, it really is too bad, his refusal to overcome and work hurt him. He could have been a special player in my honest opinion, so much raw talent and power. His work ethic is what was to blame, not his skill set. He's Runnin' (pun intended) out of time.

  5. jude norbz

    He's going to be a HOF mark my words..

  6. Roderick Taylor

    Its so sad that his teamates were so proud of him in this game then he just did terrible on every game after this one. it's always embarressing when everyone is rooting for you and you screw up.

  7. CRH

    This man is better than LeBron. Sorry if this gets here late I'm using Internet Explorer…

  8. J.P Diaz Labrador

    What a bust

  9. Exposeme24k

    Bennett fat body ass boy mc donalds looking ass boy bitch ass get the fuck out of basketball #TRASH

  10. Sterling

    he used up all his talent in the pre-season lmao

  11. lolpauve

    Bennett probably didin't forget the donuts, he just ate them

  12. Naquib Man

    it's the word "Banana" …get it? some people just see the negative in everything lol smh

  13. undercurrent

    I think it may be a good thing for him to be thick makes him more of a powerhouse.

  14. 3000

    Who cares if he's thick, hes a good player

  15. ImNKB

    if he loses weight he could be a really good 3

  16. PoppinDav

    Bennett at small forward? Would cavs fans be interested in a Rudy Gay trade to fill the 3 for Bennett/Thompson?

  17. Arturas Sevcovas

    we all are waiting 4 this

  18. RedSpatanHD

    Well damn! You'd think I know that!

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