Football Betting Algorithm in Python Explained

Explaining two years of building a football betting algorithm with Python, SQL and AWS.


Article 1:
Article 2:

00:00 – intro
00:18 – project background
01:18 – xG betting algorithm
02:10 – value betting explained
03:22 – betting model architecture
04:09 – betting software overview
05:32 – complete betting log
06:43 – future plans
07:16 – outro
Video Rating: / 5


  1. Noel Byrne

    There is no way on the earth you are going to beat betting markets with this.

  2. Marcel K

    Really happy i found. More content on tiktok?

  3. aris david pino garcia

    Buen vídeo, Saludos desde Colombia hermano🙌

  4. Emmanuel Addo

    am here huuuuuuuray

  5. DjZitify

    How often does the output update on your website?

  6. Amine Harbaoui

    really searching for a youtuber who can help me with programming and stuff and dang saw the yeezus cover there
    yes you are the one

  7. William Elong

    Hello , great work! Please I could not find the source code on your website and GitHub can you help🙏

  8. Furio Giunta

    what return have you made betting off your predictions sir?

  9. Philgob

    nice, i was thinking a sport like basketball might have less variability because number of points is higher vs football where goals scored can be low and have high variability

  10. Invest-Master

    Hello, I want the code link, is it available please?

  11. ConquerThaBookz

    have you considered to do algorithms on other sports like basketball

  12. David Neil

    How much data do you use? A team can completely change between seasons, do you primarily use the current seasons data?

  13. Canedo

    Alright Alright Alright!!!

  14. Canedo

    Finally found you here

  15. Celtic Tiger

    Its fun making models ,there use to be a brilliant website years ago some math professor posted his models for free ,excel related ,if you want to make money make it easier for yourself than footie.

  16. Michael Allan V P M O M Racic Novak

    Nice project, but it seems a losing one! 🙁

    Sum the results on the spreadsheet.
    Big losing!

  17. Matteo Bianchi

    Can you please share your source code??? Please I need it. Good Job anyway! 😃

  18. James Ferry

    Have you twitter? Great work up 150%!

  19. Jacob Joseph

    This is the best thing I have ever watched. Over the past few weeks I have flirted with attempting to make my own algorithm, not quite realising how much needs to be done even with my own limited knowledge of coding. I'll learn as I go I suppose. Great work.

  20. Connal Reilly

    Would you have any resources on scraping the bookies odds and then importing the data with python? I know you wont give away the secret sauce of the processing but I'm just looking to get started by getting in the odds for horse racing, have limited java knowledge.

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