Gambling & Sports Betting with the Mafia – A Gamble with Your Life | Michael Franzese

In this video, Michael Franzese, shares how athletes were set up at that time in the gambling business that many organized crime people were involved in. Many athletes are not good at gambling. They would gamble, get in over their heads, they would lose money and in many cases much more than that…

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Filming and Editing by Alec Thomas
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  1. Ricky Moore

    I am glad I don't like gambling. I played a couple slots for about forty bucks and won about $450 altogether, but it's just not my thing. Playing cards is fun but I'd never do it for more than lunch

  2. Ricky Moore

    Some people are joking about the racketeering explanation videos being tutorials, and I wanted to comment on that.

    To be serious, it has been the case for decades that the details and methods of various criminal schemes can be found in books on such topics, so it's not exactly a secret on how to launder money. The FBI will tell you! The issue is always risk and also that a lot of criminals aren't as sophisticated as Michael or Sammy. The Mafia really is professional, and that's why Michael can explain these things, they use techniques and models that are well developed in criminal history.
    Running organized crime is just like most businesses, anyone who wants to apply themselves can do self education, on the job training, get a mentor or go online – but a lot of people won't be well suited or willing to take advantage of opportunities, might not like the job conditions. It's true that anyone can run a numbers racket, or give out high interest loans (and I believe both should be entirely legal) but a lot of us wouldn't be very good at it.

  3. Theol Isaacs

    And I know the bookmaking mafia has something to do with Super Bowl 30 being rigged Neil O'Donnell threw a right to him twice Larry Brown

  4. Dewight key

    Tell it like it is michael

  5. Marcus Anark

    I only bet on something I've play myself.

  6. F M

    God bless you Michael. You are a great man sir

  7. R3fug33

    Over a YouTube video at 68 years old Michael is intimidating. I couldn't imagine him if he was doing this at 30 years old. Imagine being the young kid who just realised he's in over his head. He'd be absolutely terrified.

  8. Sängäy Nämka

    Michzel franz always a mob we could hang out together

  9. Dugan Fry

    You can see the college basketball kid thinking to himself— “here’s an easy $10k in my pocket ! I don’t have to lose the game. I just need to shave off a few points. Who’s gonna know and hey, I’m rich!” And the hook is in.

    Who’s to say if I’m a young broke college kid I couldn’t get involved

  10. Mr1gladiatore

    Michael Franzese can be such an intimidating influence. I stopped cheating and let my wife win the next 10 games of gin rummy.

  11. Gus Thanasulas

    Betting with a local bookie is better then any legal operation period just pay when you lose very simple

  12. John Knowles

    I'm sure most people already know sports can be compromised, but many still bet hoping they will still win regardless. I never bet to get rich, just to have something to root for. Their are positives to gambling if you know what you're in for. Good luck everyone, and take the under! Lol 😆

  13. Southern Skeptic

    This guy is the bravest dude ever. I can't believe he's still alive. Thanks for telling the truth Michael.

  14. Star Astro

    I’d ask for more, because college athletes aren’t getting paid.


    Great Advice!


    When he said “we made a deal , your done when I tell you your done “ … you can see the former mobster come out of mike at times lol… he was no jerk off as some ppl like to portray

  17. Timothy Evans

    Michael I love the way you tell your life stories. When you said " your done when I tell you your done" in my mind actually puts me right there in the middle of this transpiring. You make these true stories come to life. I actually feel like I am there watching this all unfold. Happy New Year Michael

  18. Bonnie Burch

    Have you ever made a video about Al Capone?🤔

  19. Joseph

    My man has the equivalent of 33000 dollars in his pocket…damn

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