1. yohana desale

    Dis zibel,nay liverpool,tintane

  2. Yonas Ghirmay

    እንታይ ዳኣ ሕጂ ሊቨርፑል ምስ ወሰድዋ ኮንጉራ ትብሉ ኣርሰናል ክወስድዋ ከለዉ ካኣ ታኒካ ትብልዋ ኣስሒቅኒ

  3. Habtom Weldegebriel

    Congratulations Liverpool

  4. Tesfe Wedi mhxun

    Conguratulation bini

  5. 7tuf Yfud

    ሕልኩስ ኢኻ ወድኻ ናይ ማነ medi ሕዝዋ ልካስ ናይ ማዉንት ከኣ ስሕቱ ትብል ቱቁዕ ሓሳዊ ክንደይ ዲኦም የሕሩቁኻ ዮም ኣልሶን ደይኮነን ዘባኻና

  6. Biniam Misgina

    Bini Bini Bini Vamos

  7. Tekle Rahwa

    Tanks more bro for the best commentators you are perfect 👌 ❤ i like that when you send it in the channel

  8. Gunbot Desale

    waww des zibel tintane

  9. Fsha Mehari


  10. suzi gerye

    Congratulations Liverpool and bini

  11. Arefaine Behane

    Liverpool again fantastic year and congratulations 🎈🎉🎊

  12. Thomas Tesfagaber

    yesssss Liverrrrrr

  13. a

    Congrats Liverpool ms Madrid gn knbelakum endina 😂😂😂😂😂

  14. Fanus Abraham

    Liverpool 💪💪💪

  15. Biniam Girmay Fanpage Channel

    ትገብሩለይ ምትብባዕ, ብጣዕሚ እየ ዘመስግን ።ኣብ ፕሮፋይለይ ኣቲኩም, ሳብስክራይብ,, ብምግባር, ቤተሰበና ኩኑ።

  16. Ykalo Tikue

    congratulations Bini and Liverpool 👏👏🥰🥰

  17. Solomon teklay

    CONGRATULATION Bini I am proud to be Eritean so I am so happy.

  18. Ati Atiakal

    ንፉዕ ንሕና ወላ ኣብ fBን ካልእን ሼር ክንገብር ኩሉ ነጥብታትን ዘሎ ፍልልያያትን ከምዚኣ ጌርካ ሓብረና

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