Watch Crowd Erupt As Special Needs Student Scores Final Point In Basketball Game

This high school student made the crowd go wild after she made a shot that sent fans of both teams into jubilation. Lainy Fredrickson’s amazing shot came when her Norman High School basketball team took on arch rivals Norman North Friday night. The special needs senior received chants from fans who were telling the school’s coach: “We Want Lainy! We Want Lainy!” With under a minute left, she hugged her coach, went out on the court and scored the final basket. #InsideEdition
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  1. Hexted

    I swear I could hear some boos in the crowd when she scored. I hope those 16 year olds feel good about themselves lmao they’re at that age where they think their too cool for everything, when if they really were they wouldn’t even be there

  2. M S

    Even the arch rivals celebrated.

  3. Jared Foshe

    I hope her team was the one up by 20+ points!

  4. Kole Kellerman

    A guys basketball team would pick her up and congradulated her they just walked away lol

  5. Tyler Wilmond

    This made me tear up. I’m proud to say I live in Norman, Oklahoma.

  6. 1967 Woody

    God damn onions

  7. Jeff Rosquist

    The fans on the other team showed a lot of class

  8. Frank Dalton

    Make a 54yr old man cry. Thats my girl.

  9. Nut Supplier 69

    She now officially has a better free throw percentage than Shaq

  10. Daniel Morrow

    This makes me happy. I have high functioning autism and adhd. My school for the sports the coaches got caught miss treating the special needs kids and all got fired

  11. Chad Sanders

    Maybe our politicians should watch all these videos. Maybe they would quit acting like little kids and actually work together

  12. Demarco Tolson

    Need so much more of that awesome to see

  13. Kelly Kimbrell-Glass

    That's great! this how you spread love. Congratulations

  14. Wayne Upham

    That makes my heart happy!

  15. Wes1 Productions

    This right here is so heartwarming man. And her jumper is wet too! 💯

  16. Larry Lilburn

    Very very cool. Nice one handed shot tooo

  17. octavia crowder

    Go lainy

  18. The Franchize

    Thank you for this

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