Montreal Canadiens Select Riley Kidney With 63rd Overall Pick In 2021 NHL Draft

Montreal Canadiens Select Riley Kidney With 63rd Overall Pick In 2021 NHL Draft

Montreal Canadiens Select Riley Kidney With 63rd Overall Pick In 2021 NHL Draft

With the 63rd overall pick, the Montreal Canadiens selected Riley Kidney out of Acadie-Bathurst.
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  1. @kokumsnagger8478

    beautiful pick!

  2. @oliviermaurice464

    It's possible to see a video of Xavier Simoneau please?

  3. @Ohhighbud

    So people are raggin on this poor kid cause of some highschool nonsense that may or may not have happened ? Well,, enjoy the water cooler talk while you watch the player (& team) laugh all the way to the bank. There's a reason why these folks are in one of the best sports leagues in the world,, There's also a reason why you're sitting on the couch watching it on tv. Maybe try to quit hating for a second and enjoy sports ? But what do I know.

  4. @stinkerthecat8235

    Kidney and Caufield should get pucks into the net if they pair up

  5. @licmysak7842

    Mailloux is a steal

  6. @elvisisalive2716

    Did he also have a sexual abuse history? Gotta keep the prospect pool legit with those scumbags, eh Bergy?

  7. @itcu185

    Drafting non Canadian players is stupid that is why the NHL is garbage to watch. So until NHL teams stop drafting players from "SHITHOLE" countries (by this I mean not Canada) I am no longer watching NHL.

    On another note why is that gary bettman always jittering ?

  8. @virtuoso742

    not this guy again marc bergev

  9. @Oldmanflyfishing

    Is this kid a little pervert too? Mark likes the perverts

  10. @blazerunner2051

    It was fun seeing you as a titan in bathurst, have fun in montreal riley!

  11. @andrewhogan6533

    Missed opportunity not going to Vegas to pair up with Stone

  12. @randysingh6548

    patrick kane and matthews had issues too with girls.

  13. @adrianmartin5780

    Montreal sign Paulie Bernardo as assistant coach,when asked for comment Bergevin said" we'll work with him too, everyone makes mistakes', hahaha.

  14. @adrianmartin5780

    habs want to make the national enquirer with everything they do,they hate when they are not on the front page,they think all reporting should only be about them,mission accomplished Bergevin. habs toilet backs up and will make front page news.haha typical hab game plan.

  15. @adamdenney589


  16. @burnedoils

    yukk grrosss name, shoudknt have picked him just because of that

  17. @tjmcmaster

    Just sweep that under the table like the Chicago Blackhawks eh HABS

  18. @harisbisoodi3810


  19. @yvngfarr2715

    acadia-bathurst fuckhead not acadie

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