1. @jiblet46

    He’s got a point you obviously have been brought up with no manners.

  2. @user-gm3hy3us3i

    What a dope
    Can’t even speak correctly
    And that was not Keano angry , dismissive to absolute dope yes

  3. @matty_________

    People get way too confident with people nowadays, absolutely makes me cringe.

  4. @dootwoot

    No wonder because you’re a bell end

  5. @andymcnab2.0

    Never get Roy angry, you won't like him when he's angry.

  6. @garybalfour3953

    Take its a no .what a idiot

  7. @markshaz8691

    Muppet annoys Roy Keane

  8. @ToonToon-kz9qo

    What’s the fascination with getting photos with people man honest fair enough have a chat say hello but this new age bollocks of getting a photo get a grip it’s proper fan boy shite.

  9. @barrymay8269

    What a πŸ”” end.

  10. @empty-ed


  11. @JimWhitesRolledUp20note

    What an absolute soylord. Mate get a grip

  12. @oleggorky906

    Fair enough. Keane didn’t swear or behave aggressively, he explained that he had been rude by continuing to play his music whilst talking to him. There’s a difference between being assertive and obnoxious.

  13. @markfullbrighton5070

    Makes me laugh when I see British soccer players acting like Gods. First of all, Roy Keane was an average player who played during an average time period. Secondly, I don't know why he is acting so cocky considering this idiot has lived one of the most privileged lives in human history.

  14. @TadhgTalks

    Wow , the least funniest thing on YouTube , he should be embarrassed that he uploaded this 😬

  15. @Boomhauersdad

    It was a mistake clicking this. Time to block channel. Keane should sue you for defamation. Smh

  16. @barryosullivan1486

    Keane absolutely right. That prat has never heard of excuse me or thank you. πŸ””

  17. @panzer1066

    Just made a total dickhead of yourself

  18. @baller_editZ1

    Slow down cant hear what bros saying πŸ’€πŸ’€

  19. @simonjones3874

    What a prick. (The guy filming.)

  20. @ryp6627

    Lack of self awareness is nuts. Shouldn’t be legal to just film someone without their permission

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